Results for 'Won Woo Suh'

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  1.  42
    Taking Land: Compulsory Purchase and Regulation in Asian-Pacific Countries.David L. Callies, Li-Fu Chen, Anton Cooray, Glenys Godlovitch, Tsuyoshi Kotaka, Murray J. Raff, William Jm Ricquier, Eathipol Srisawaluck, Won Woo Suh & Grace Xavier - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    율곡 인성론의 논리 구조 연구.Suh Won Hyuk - 2019 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 91:135-159.
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    The Research of Influence of Yulgok’ Litongkikook- focus on The Ho-Rok Controversy.Suh Won Hyuk - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 85:83-100.
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  4. How CSR Leads to Corporate Brand Equity: Mediating Mechanisms of Corporate Brand Credibility and Reputation. [REVIEW]Won-Moo Hur, Hanna Kim & Jeong Woo - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-12.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate brand credibility, corporate brand equity, and corporate reputation. Structural equation modeling analysis provided support for the hypotheses from a sample of 867 consumers in South Korea. The results showed that CSR has a direct positive effect on corporate brand credibility and corporate reputation. In addition, the results indicate that corporate brand credibility mediates the relationship between CSR and corporate reputation. Moreover, corporate brand credibility mediates (...)
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    Sintering behaviour and microstructures of nanostructured ZnO–ZnS core–shell powder by spark plasma sintering.Woo Hyun Nam, Young Soo Lim, Won-Seon Seo & Jeong Yong Lee - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (34):4221-4231.
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    Expanding Focus on Japan and the Bounded Dynamism of Japanese International Relations Studies in South Korea.Sangjoon Kim & Seung-won Suh - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 11 (3):367-387.
    Unlike in Western academia, Japanese studies in Korea have not receded, but rather have rather vigorously refocused on Japan during the last two decades. This paper examines the rapid development and governing dynamics of the Japanese politics studies (JPS), with a particular focus on Japanese international relations studies (JIRS). It answers the following four questions. How does JIRS perceive, measure, and interpret Japan? What are the outstanding features of JIRS? What are the internal dynamics in the JPS community? How does (...)
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    Diffusion-controlled recrystallization and grain growth-induced plasticity of steel under externally applied stress.Heung Nam Han, Se-Jong Kim, Miyoung Kim, Gyosung Kim, Dong-Woo Suh & Sung-Joon Kim - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1811-1824.
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    Between Studying Abroad and Christianity by Bongkyung(鳳卿) Lee Won-Young(李源永).Sang-Woo Kwon - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 115:1-21.
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    Vive la Différence.J. R. Lucas - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (205):363-.
    Some of my best friends are women, but I would not want my sister to marry one of them. Modern-minded persons criticize me for manifesting such out-dated prejudices, and would like to send me to Coventry for a compulsory course of reindoctrination. They may be right. It could conceivably be the case that in due course the Sex Discrimination Act will be tightened up, even to the extent of our recognizing that there are no ‘good reasons why the State should (...)
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    Character ethics and the New Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.Robert L. Brawley (ed.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the New Testament, the Gospel stories, the sayings of Jesus, and the writings of Paul not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. Here editor Robert Brawley presents the most up-to-date academic work in New (...)
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    The Limited Power of Female Appointments: Abortion and Domestic Violence Policy in the Carter Administration.Doreen J. Mattingly - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:538 Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Doreen J. Mattingly The Limited Power of Female Appointments: Abortion and Domestic Violence Policy in the Carter Administration In 1977 in the United States, Second Wave feminists were poised to make a meaningful impact on federal policy. Jimmy Carter’s successful 1976 presidential campaign had included an open wooing of feminist support : he had created a “51.3 (...)
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    Boiling the Frog Slowly: The Immersion of C-Suite Financial Executives into Fraud.Ikseon Suh, John T. Sweeney, Kristina Linke & Joseph M. Wall - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):645-673.
    This study explores how financial executives retrospectively account for their crossing the line into financial statement fraud while acting within or reacting to a financialized corporate environment. We conduct our investigation through face-to-face interviews with 13 former C-suite financial executives who were involved in and indicted for major cases of accounting fraud. Five different themes of accounts emerged from the narratives, characterizing executives’ fraud immersion as a meaning-making process by which the particulars of the proximal social context and individual motivations (...)
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  13.  51
    Immigration, Imagined Communities, and Collective Memories of Asian American Experiences: A Content Analysis of Asian American Experiences in Virginia U.S. History Textbooks.Yonghee Suh, Sohyun An & Danielle Forest - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (1):39-51.
    This study explores how Asian American experiences are depicted in four high school U.S. history textbooks and four middle school U.S. history textbooks used in Virginia. The analytic framework was developed from the scholarship of collective memories and histories of immigration in Asian American studies. Content analysis of the textbooks suggests the overall narrative of Asian American history in U.S. history textbooks aligns with the grand narrative of American history, that is, the “story of progress.” This major storyline of Asian (...)
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    Towards Sustainable Agricultural Stewardship: Evolution and Future Directions of the Permaculture Concept.Jungho Suh - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (1):75-98.
    This paper traces the origins of the concept of permaculture and discusses the sustainability of permaculture itself as a form of alternative agriculture. The principles of permaculture are shown to have many views and perspectives in common with Taoism and with Buddhist ecology and economics. The amalgamation of these Oriental traditions can be translated into the Kaya equation and beyond. It is argued that future permaculture movements should focus on revitalising the communitarian spirit of traditional farming villages instead of building (...)
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  15.  26
    Children’s Block-Building Skills and Mother-Child Block-Building Interactions Across Four U.S. Ethnic Groups.Daniel D. Suh, Eva Liang, Florrie Fei-Yin Ng & Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Language of the Ineffable: Poetry and Imageless Thought in Heidegger’s Later Philosophy.Suh-Hyun Park - 2023 - Kritike 16 (3):180-192.
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    Classical Confucianism.Suh Hu - 1917 - The Monist 27 (1):157-160.
  18.  25
    21세기 노년소설과 웃음 - 파스칼 고티에의 『할머니들』을 중심으로.Myung-Sook Suh - 2018 - Cogito 84:313-336.
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    Association of Self-Compassion With Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Non-suicidal Self Injury: A Meta-Analysis.Hanna Suh & Jisun Jeong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objectives: Self-compassion functions as a psychological buffer in the face of negative life experiences. Considering that suicidal thoughts and behaviors and non-suicidal self-injury are often accompanied by intense negative feelings about the self, self-compassion may have the potential to alleviate these negative attitudes and feelings toward oneself. This meta-analysis investigated the associations of self-compassion with STBs and NSSI.Methods: A literature search finalized in August 2020 identified 18 eligible studies, including 8,058 participants. Two studies were longitudinal studies, and the remainder were (...)
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    Continuity and Difference in Heidegger’s earlier and later understandings of Truth : concerning on Being and Time and The Origin of The Work of Art.Dong Uhn Suh - 2018 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 89:107-138.
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  21. Collective well-being.E. M. Suh & M. Sung - 2009 - In Shane J. Lopez, The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 197--199.
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    Do Management Training Grounds Reduce Internal Auditor Objectivity and External Auditor Reliance? The Influence of Family Firms.Ikseon Suh, Adi Masli & John T. Sweeney - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):205-227.
    We test competing theoretical perspectives of family firm governance in two separate studies by investigating whether family firm control moderates the detrimental effect of a management training ground on internal auditor objectivity and on the external auditor’s decision to rely on the internal audit function. In Study 1, we assess the objectivity of internal auditors working under an IAF that serves as a MTG or non-MTG and located in a family or non-family firm. A key result of Study 1 is (...)
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  23. Manhaj al-Shahrastānī fī kitābihi al-Milal wa-al-niḥal: ʻarḍ wa-taqwīm.Muḥammad ibn Nāṣir ibn Ṣāliḥ Suḥaybānī - 1996 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār al-Waṭan.
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    Mill and Tocqueville: a friendship bruised.Byung-Hoon Suh - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (1):55-72.
    SUMMARYHaving first met in 1835, John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville began ‘an extremely interesting and mutually laudatory correspondence'; but their splendid friendship did not last. A popular thesis focuses on letters exchanged in 1840 to 1842 that reflect conflicting views on the Eastern Question and argues that Mill initiated the ‘strange interruption’. Given Mill's commitment to the ‘agreement of conviction and feeling on the few cardinal points of human opinion’ as a prerequisite of genuine friendship, such interpretation sounds (...)
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  25.  35
    Planning to teach difficult history through historical inquiry: The case of school desegregation.Yonghee Suh, Brian Daugherity & Danielle Hartsfield - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):71-83.
    This exploratory study investigates the ways in which secondary U.S. history teachers who attended two iterations of a teacher professional development workshop, focusing on the history of school desegregation in Virginia, planned to teach the history of school desegregation through historical inquiry. Conceptualizing the history of school desegregation as difficult history, the authors conducted the content analysis of 23 written lesson plans generated by workshop participants. The historiography of school desegregation, and research on four dimensions of historical inquiry such as (...)
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  26.  44
    The Influence of Wang Yangming's Thought on the Political Ideas of the Meiji Restoration in Japan.Bo-Gun Suh - 2015 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (104):47-78.
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    The Symmetric Physics of the Universe.P. Suh - 2011 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 18 (2):84-145.
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    The Theory of Justice as a Critical Social Theory.Do-sik Suh - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (1):163-201.
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  29. Carbon pricing ethics.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12803.
    The three main types of policies for addressing climate change are command and control regulation, carbon taxes (or price instruments), and cap and trade (or quantity instruments). The first question in the ethics of carbon pricing is whether the latter two (price and quantity instruments) are preferable to command and control regulation. The second question is, if so, how should we evaluate the relative merits of price and quantity instruments. I canvass relevant arguments to explain different ways of addressing these (...)
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  30. Will Carbon Taxes Help Address Climate Change?Kian Mintz-Woo - 2021 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 16 (1):57-67.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis ought to serve as a reminder about the costs of failure to consider another long-term risk, climate change. For this reason, it is imperative to consider the merits of policies that may help to limit climate damages. This essay rebuts three common objections to carbon taxes: (1) that they do not change behaviour, (2) that they generate unfair burdens and increase inequality, and (3) that fundamental, systemic change is needed instead of carbon taxes. The (...)
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  31. Carbon Tax Ethics.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2024 - WIREs Climate Change 15 (1):e858.
    Ideal carbon tax policy is internationally coordinated, fully internalizes externalities, redistributes revenues to those harmed, and is politically acceptable, generating predictable market signals. Since nonideal circumstances rarely allow all these conditions to be met, moral issues arise. This paper surveys some of the work in moral philosophy responding to several of these issues. First, it discusses the moral drivers for estimates of the social cost of carbon. Second, it explains how national self-interest can block climate action and suggests international policies—carbon (...)
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  32. What Do Climate Change Winners Owe, and to Whom?Kian Mintz-Woo & Justin Leroux - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (3):462-483.
    Climate ethics has been concerned with polluter pays, beneficiary pays and ability to pay principles, all of which consider climate change as a single negative externality. This paper considers it as a constellation of externalities, positive and negative, with different associated demands of justice. This is important because explicitly considering positive externalities has not to our knowledge been done in the climate ethics literature. Specifically, it is argued that those who enjoy passive gains from climate change owe gains not to (...)
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  33. A philosopher’s guide to discounting.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2021 - In Budolfson Mark, McPherson Tristram & Plunkett David, Philosophy and Climate Change. Oxford University Press. pp. 90-110.
    This chapter introduces several distinctions relevant to what is called the “discounting problem”, since the issue is how (future) costs and benefits are discounted to make them comparable in present terms. The author defends the claim that there are good reasons to adopt Ramsey-style discounting in the context of climate change: the Ramsey rule is robust, flexible, and well-understood. An important distinction involved in discounting—“descriptivism” and “prescriptivism”—is discussed. It is argued that, even if we adopt prescriptivism, and accept that this (...)
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    The role of covariation versus mechanism information in causal attribution.Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Charles W. Kalish, Douglas L. Medin & Susan A. Gelman - 1995 - Cognition 54 (3):299-352.
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  35. Why and Where to Fund Carbon Capture and Storage.Kian Mintz-Woo & Joe Lane - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):70.
    This paper puts forward two claims about funding carbon capture and storage. The first claim is that there are moral justifications supporting strategic investment into CO2 storage from global and regional perspectives. One argument draws on the empirical evidence which suggests carbon capture and storage would play a significant role in a portfolio of global solutions to climate change; the other draws on Rawls' notion of legitimate expectations and Moellendorf's Anti-Poverty principle. The second claim is that where to pursue this (...)
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  36. On Parfit’s Ontology.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (5):707-725.
    Parfit denies that the introduction of reasons into our ontology is costly for his theory. He puts forth two positions to help establish the claim: the Plural Senses View and the Argument from Empty Ontology. I argue that, first, the Plural Senses View for ‘exists’ can be expanded to allow for senses which undermine his ontological claims; second, the Argument from Empty Ontology can be debunked by Platonists. Furthermore, it is difficult to make statements about reasons true unless these statements (...)
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  37. Why essences are essential in the psychology of concepts.Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Charles Kalish, Susan A. Gelman, Douglas L. Medin, Christian Luhmann, Scott Atran, John D. Coley & Patrick Shafto - 2001 - Cognition 82 (1):59-69.
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    Why are different features central for natural kinds and artifacts?: the role of causal status in determining feature centrality.Woo-Kyoung Ahn - 1998 - Cognition 69 (2):135-178.
  39. Carbon Pricing and COVID-19.Kian Mintz-Woo, Francis Dennig, Hongxun Liu & Thomas Schinko - 2021 - Climate Policy 21 (10):1272-1280.
    A question arising from the COVID-19 crisis is whether the merits of cases for climate policies have been affected. This article focuses on carbon pricing, in the form of either carbon taxes or emissions trading. It discusses the extent to which relative costs and benefits of introducing carbon pricing may have changed in the context of COVID-19, during both the crisis and the recovery period to follow. In several ways, the case for introducing a carbon price is stronger during the (...)
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  40. The Need-Efficiency Tradeoff for negative emissions technologies.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2022 - PLoS Climate 1 (8): e0000060.
    [Opinion] This aims to begin deliberation about investing in negative emissions technologies (NETs) by suggesting that the investment could be responsive to two particular values: need and efficiency—and that these values point us towards taking different actions. For negative emissions technologies, I suggest, we face a Need-Efficiency Tradeoff, i.e. a “NET effect”. This tradeoff also highlights several contrasts: responding to need focuses on regional and short-term moral considerations; responding to efficiency focuses on global and long-term moral considerations. [Open access].
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  41. Principled Utility Discounting Under Risk.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2019 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 6 (1):89-112.
    Utility discounting in intertemporal economic modelling has been viewed as problematic, both for descriptive and normative reasons. However, positive utility discount rates can be defended normatively; in particular, it is rational for future utility to be discounted to take into account model-independent outcomes when decision-making under risk. The resultant values will tend to be smaller than descriptive rates under most probability assignments. This also allows us to address some objections that intertemporal considerations will be overdemanding. A principle for utility discount (...)
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  42. A new defence of probability discounting.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2017 - In Adrian J. Walsh, Säde Hormio & Duncan Purves, The Ethical Underpinnings of Climate Economics. Routledge. pp. 87-102.
    When probability discounting (or probability weighting), one multiplies the value of an outcome by one's subjective probability that the outcome will obtain in decision-making. The broader import of defending probability discounting is to help justify cost-benefit analyses in contexts such as climate change. This chapter defends probability discounting under risk both negatively, from arguments by Simon Caney (2008, 2009), and with a new positive argument. First, in responding to Caney, I argue that small costs and benefits need to be evaluated, (...)
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    Social evaluation of intentional, truly accidental, and negligently accidental helpers and harmers by 10-month-old infants.Brandon M. Woo, Conor M. Steckler, Doan T. Le & J. Kiley Hamlin - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):154-163.
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  44. Climate justice discussions need new participants and new audiences.Kian Mintz-Woo, Caroline Zimm, Elina Brutschin, Susanne Hanger-Kopp, Jarmo Kikstra, Shonali Pachauri, Keywan Riahi & Thomas Schinko - forthcoming - Nature Climate Change.
    This Correspondence argues in response to Coolsaet et al. (2024) that there is an important role to play for stance-independent justice discussions that are not tied to specific social, political or critical perspectives. These can be valuable for climate research audiences, but also as a basis upon which to critically debate and research injustices.
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    Rethinking Humanism and Education Through Sloterdijk’s Rules for the Human Zoo.Jeong-Gil Woo - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (3):223-241.
    This study examines the challenges of humanism and education in the 21st century as addressed by the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk in his Elmau Speech (1999). In this lecture, titled _Rules for the Human Zoo_, Sloterdijk argues that the traditional notion of humanism, specifically “humanism as a literary society,” has reached its conclusion, necessitating the development of a new humanism appropriate for the contemporary era. However, the new concept of humanism emerging from what Sloterdijk terms the “anthropotechnic turn” appears to (...)
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  46. Compensation Duties.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 779-797.
    While mitigation and adaptation will help to protect us from climate change, there are harms that are beyond our ability to adapt. Some of these harms, which may have been instigated from historical emissions, plausibly give rise to duties of compensation. This chapter discusses several principles that have been discussed about how to divide climate duties—the polluter pays principle, the beneficiary pays principle, the ability to pay principle, and a new one, the polluter pays, then receives principle. The chapter introduces (...)
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  47. The ethics of measuring climate change impacts.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2021 - In Trevor M. Letcher, The Impacts of Climate Change. Elsevier. pp. 521-535.
    This chapter qualitatively lays out some of the ways that climate change impacts are evaluated in integrated assessment models (IAMs). Putting aside the physical representations of these models, it first discusses some key social or structural assumptions, such as the damage functions and the way growth is modeled. Second, it turns to the moral assumptions, including parameters associated with intertemporal evaluation and interpersonal inequality aversion, but also assumptions in population ethics about how different-sized populations are compared and how we think (...)
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    Two Moral Arguments for a Global Social Cost of Carbon.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):60-63.
    [Comment] Donald Trump’s executive order on energy limits the costs and benefits of carbon to domestic sources. The argument for this executive order is that carbon policies should not be singled out from other policies as globally inclusive. Two independent arguments are offered for adopting a global social cost of carbon. The first is based on reinforcing norms in the face of commons tragedies. The second is based on the limitations of consequentialist analyses. We can distinguish consequences for which probabilistic (...)
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  49. Comparison of Decision Learning Models Using the Generalization Criterion Method.Woo-Young Ahn, Jerome R. Busemeyer, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers & Julie C. Stout - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (8):1376-1402.
    It is a hallmark of a good model to make accurate a priori predictions to new conditions (Busemeyer & Wang, 2000). This study compared 8 decision learning models with respect to their generalizability. Participants performed 2 tasks (the Iowa Gambling Task and the Soochow Gambling Task), and each model made a priori predictions by estimating the parameters for each participant from 1 task and using those same parameters to predict on the other task. Three methods were used to evaluate the (...)
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    A Two‐Stage Model of Category Construction.Woo-Kyoung Ahn & Douglas L. Medin - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (1):81-121.
    The current consensus is that most natural categories are not organized around strict definitions (a list of singly necessary and jointly sufficient features) but rather according to a family resemblance (FR) principle: Objects belong to the same category because they are similar to each other and dissimilar to objects in contrast categories. A number of computational models of category construction have been developed to provide an account of how and why people create FR categories (Anderson, 1990; Fisher, 1987). Surprisingly, however, (...)
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